Our Children

On January 2019 PaidaOrphanage is welcoming 18 children


Euloge KAMBALE SAMBILI: Born in July 2011. Can go to school thanks to our sponsors’ contributions.

Marie-Jeanne KAVIRA: Born in July 2011. Can go to school thanks to our sponsors’ contributions.

Marguerite Noella CHECHELA: Born in March 2012. Can go to school thanks to our sponsors’ contributions.

Marie des Anges DEDASILOVE: Born in July 2014.

Jean-Paul MBUSA Born in February 2016.

Abigael MUSIANDE: Born in July 2016.

Jacques MUMBERE: Born in July 2016.

Moise Exauce MUMBERE: Born in September 2016.

Esther KAVUGHO: Born in October 2016.

Arsène MUMBERE: Born in October 2016.

Marie Noella KASOKI: Born in December 2017.

Christine KAVUGHO: Born in January 2018.

Christian KAVUGHO: Born in January 2018.

Wasingya KASEREKA KASIMBA: Born in March 2018.

Jean-Paul KAMBALE  MUKENGELU: Born in July 2018.

Fortunat KAMBALE MUSONGOLUME: Born in November 2018.

Marie Fortune KAHAMBU MUSONGOLUME: Born in November 2018.

Dieu est Bon MUMBERE: Born in November 2018.


* You too help us by adopting a child! *