Your Support

How your contribution can help?



Even if the physical infrastructure is created to accommodate the orphaned children, funds are required to guarantee a proper level of nutrition, health care and education.

Your occasional or monthly contribution (of ideally USD 25, or 20 euros, or 25 CHF per month per child) would enable us to significantly increase the quality of live for our orphans.

All the funds we will receive for this project will be exclusively and completely used for the children. Indeed we do not have any administrative costs that would decrease the value of your contribution to the children.

If you decide to sponsor a child on an ongoing basis, we will send you every quarter a summary of the development of the child over the last 3 months. Like this you will be able to follow his day to day life, his habits, his learnings, and observe his evolution through pictures and drawings.

The sponsorship of a child allows the child to build his future respecting his roots, traditions and local habits. Moreover, this sponsorship enables the child to live today his children life, and to become, tomorrow, a responsible adult and contribute to own development and and the development of the region and the country.

If you want to sponsor a child, please contact Daniel Hoff under
or call +971 50 1470880.



The new school would be composed of 12 class rooms, of one administrative building, of one big room available either for studying or meetings and of a library. These 12 class rooms should allow us to welcome 400 students.

On July 2019 we have finished the construction of 10 classrooms, the latrines for the whole school complex and the administrative section!

The total cost of building and equipping the school is estimated at 180.000 dollars.

The new orphanage would be composed of 2 parts. One for the “day life” comprising: the living room, a community room, the kitchen, the refectory, some storage rooms, etc. Another part would be reserved for the interns’ dormitory. It would be composed of 28 bedrooms each of them with 2 beds. Two of these rooms would be for the staff to take care of the orphans, and one bedroom would be available for sick children. The 25 remaining rooms would allow us to welcome 50 orphans.

The total cost of building and equipping the orphanage is estimated at 135.000 dollars.

If you are interested by this project, we would be pleased to provide you with further information. Any help is welcome!

Contact us: / +971 50 1470880.

Occasional contribution

You can help us with occasional contribution for any of our project.

The account number of PaidaOrphanage is the following:

Paida Orphanage

IBAN: CH62 0483 5172 0501 5100 0


Credit Suisse

Once again we remind you that the total amount of your contribution will reach the orphans without any deduction for administrative fees

Every contribution for our children will be highly appreciated.